・Research design, analysis and consulting for IT companies with deep insight of SMBs based on years of experience.
・Variety of survey reports includes Microsoft Excel data that aggregates all questions by annual sales, industry, etc.
・"Briefing Service" that offers Q&A or discussions with IT analysts and additional data analysis ofsurvey reports.
・"Custom Research" that provides fully customized research with various methods like web surveys, and interviews.
・"Custom Research Plus" that performs advanced analysis with SOTA methods like Bayesian network analysis etc.
・Variety of survey reports includes Microsoft Excel data that aggregates all questions by annual sales, industry, etc.
・"Briefing Service" that offers Q&A or discussions with IT analysts and additional data analysis ofsurvey reports.
・"Custom Research" that provides fully customized research with various methods like web surveys, and interviews.
・"Custom Research Plus" that performs advanced analysis with SOTA methods like Bayesian network analysis etc.
2024 Derivation of the best DX/IT solutions for each IT companies based on customer attributes and deployed products/services(semi-custom report)
Providing the best DX proposal for each IT company based on data analysis of 1300 valid users, not acquired by just gathering case studies
【Overview and Digest】
2024 Practical report for sustainable use of no-code/low-code development tools in SMEs(semi-custom report)
Custom made research report that provides analysis of specific products and issues/needs of users which IT companies should focus based on the selection of user types among stable / expected / dropout
【Overview and Digest】
2024 Practical report on targeting and step-up for DX proposals(semi-custom report)
Custom made research report that provides analysis of targeting and step-up for selected DX/IT solutions
【Overview and Digest】
2024 Market View of IT infrastructure deployment and operation in servers and endpoints
Servers go cloud-first acceleration or on-premises regression? What's the way for promoting Windows 11 migration on PCs?
【Overview and Guidance】
Adoption status of hybrid cloud in SMEs and issues to be solved
Latest trends of cloud migration and on-premis return in SMEs
Deployment status, market share and adoption barriers of HCI
Installed/planned installations trends of server market in SMEs
Factors hindering migration to Windows 11 and how to overcome them
Market share trends of OS and devices/services for endpoints in SMEs
Trends in storage type selection and utilization issues in SMEs
2023 Market View of Security, Operation Management and Backup in SMEs
Not only hilighting the dangers of ransomeware, it's required to propoese positive IT security measures that match up-to-date IT utilization policies
【Overview and Guidance】
2023 Market View of RPA and no-code/low-code development tools in SMEs
Appealing to the late majority is the key for RPA and no-code/low-code market in SMEs. What is needed to overcome barriers to market expansion?
【Overview and Guidance】
2023 Market View of DX and IT solution for small and medium-sized business
Based survey on 50 items of DX/IT solution implementation status, analyzing issues and needs that users have and suggesting effective proposal by IT companies.
【Overview and Guidance】
【Release (digest)】
What is the best customer contact point in SME market? Website, SNS, Email, Tel, Web conference etc
Forecast of changes in ordinary income of SMEs that influences IT expenditures and analysis of the factors
Current situation of DX/IT solutions in 12 fields and 50 items
Common misunderstandings between users and IT companies in the SME market
Prediction of IT expenditure by year/industry, and products/services for increasing or decreasing IT expenditure
2023 Market View of Network Environments in SMEs
Analyzing points for IT infrastructure development that simultaneously considers the network environment and security measures that will be indispensable in the future
【Overview and Guidance】
2024 Market View of IT application usage and evaluation by users
Advanced report that covers analysis/proposals on hot topics across 10 fields of business applications in addition to share, issues, and evaluation of each product/service
【Overview and Digest】
Promoting Generative AI leveraged with groupware and web conferencing as entry points
Will composable ERP become popular in ERP market for SMEs?
Division of roles between the accounting packages and expense management services in SMEs
Expanding workflow sales requires the view of the relationship with ERP
2024 Practical report for reactivation of RPA tools deployment in SMEs(semi-custom report)
Custom made research report that provides analysis for the success of RPA tools proposal based on the implementation status or user company attributes which each IT company designates
【Overview and Digest】
2024 Barriers and countermeasures for zero trust proposals for SMEs(semi-custom report)
Custom made research report that provides individual analysis of the most important security product/service for each IT company
【Overview and Digest】
2023 IT Spending and share/reputation of resellers and SIers in SME market
The types of SMEs that are acitive in IT spending and its amount breakdown are changing. Which customer segments and product should IT companies focus on?
【Overview and Guidance】
【Release (digest)】
2023 Effective cross-selling predictive analysis for DX/IT solutions (semi-custom report)
It greatly influences the success or failure , in what order to propose a wide variety of DX/IT solutions
【Overview and Digest】
2023 Forecast of changes in the business environment surrounding SMEs (semi-custom report)
Providing predictions and proposals that meet the individual needs of each IT company through "existing survey data + individual analysis"
【Overview and Digest】
2023 Market View of IT application usage and evaluation by users
Share, issues, and evaluation of business applications across 10 fields such as ERP, Accounting, Production, Sales, Labor, Workflow, Collaboration, CRM/BI, etc. Also including trends in responding to legal revisions, data analysis, and generative AI
【Overview and Guidance】
【Release (digest)】
How to support users regarding the Invoice System and the revised Electronic Bookkeeping Act?
Market share and current issues of groupware, business chat and web conferencing
ERP market share in SMEs and key features for differentiation
Trends in adoption rate and highly demanded features in accounting management
How to utilize data analysis and Generative AI in business applications
The direction of evolution that CRM should aim for in the SME market
HRTech vs Traditional human resource/payroll system, which SMEs will prefer
Changes in operational methods and issues in production management system
New competitors and highly demanded features for document management and cloud storage
Workflow and BPM in SMEs in terms of market share, system forms and sales channel
What do SMEs expect and require in sales, purchase and inventory management
Several missing perspectives in order to expand BI market for SMEs
[Expanded Edition]Market View of IT application usage and evaluation by users
Clarifying optimal proposal process for Generative AI based on business application utilization policies asked of 1,300 user companies
【Overview and Digest】
- Release (digest) list
- Market View reports
- Writings in media
- Interviews and Cites
- Seminars and lectures
- 「創生する未来」is here
- How Non-prime sales and integration companies promote thier business system deployment leveraged by SaaS
(Aug 2024) - Usage and prospects of Power Platform in Japanese SMEs
(Aug 2024) - Impact of Broadcom's acquisition of VMware on the domestic HCI market
(Aug 2024) - What is Analysis Based Listing (ABL), a new method to bridge the gap between marketing analysis and building sales list
(May 2024) - The much-touted "Offering" is also effective for SMEs?
(Apr 2024) - IT proposals directly liked to management issues with the new industry classification
(Apr 2024) - The reason why sales strategy for one man IT dep fails
(Apr 2024) - Specific data analysis according to the sales regions defined by each IT company
(Apr 2024) - Hybrid Cloud trend in SMEs from the view point of system types of various business apps
(Mar 2024) - New Year's special issue: Three major risks emerging from IT utlization in SMEs and how to avoid them
(Jan 2024) - Key points for IT infrastructure proposals that are not affected by the success or failure of inbound business
(Sep 2023) - Custom Research Plus: Consensus building in dealing with environmental problems using a probabilistic inference model
(Aug 2023) - 2023 A new path for zero trust introduction indicated by a combination of quantitative and qualitative research
(Jul 2023) - Relationship between legacy assets (office computers and mainframes) and the status of DX initiatives in SMEs
(May 2023) - Verification of common belief about RPA and no-code/low-code development tools
(Apr 2023) - 2023 Notes and countermeasures when using LLM models such as ChatGPT for IT market analysis
(Mar 2023)